Student Records
Welcome to the Office of the Registrar and Student Records
The Office of the Registrar is the official source for all student academic records and are responsible for overseeing and managing all registration functions. We also monitor course offerings, enrollment history, grades, and degrees awarded. Our staff is cross-trained to assist students with all matters regarding enrollment to our college.
This Office of the Registrar's mission is to preserve academic integrity, ensure adherence to academic policy, and safeguard the security of academic records. Student academic records that are maintained by the Office of the Registrar include admission forms, course schedules, degree plans, transcripts, and grades.
- Admissions
- Grade changes
Graduation -
International Student Admissions -
Transcript processing -
Residency determination
New Mexico Junior College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verifications. If you are an Employer, Credit Grantor, Insurance Company, Background Screening Agency, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse:
Student Educational Records
Generally, the college will release information only to the student to whom the records belongs. Parental right regarding educational records transfer to the student when he or she enrolls in college. A student can give parents or a third party access to their record by submitting an Authorization to Release Student Information Form. This form is available by visiting the 世界十大博彩公司网站 Help Desk in the Ben Alexander Student Learning Center.
Withhold Directory Information
世界十大博彩公司网站 students can prohibit the release of directory information to the public by bringing a photo ID to the 世界十大博彩公司网站 Help Desk located in the Ben Alexander Student Learning Center or submit a written request. Such requests must be made by the end of the add/drop period for any semester. It will NOT, however, prohibit the release of directory information to entities of 世界十大博彩公司网站 which have a "need to know" to accomplish their required tasks. It further will NOT prohibit 世界十大博彩公司网站 departments from including your name on mailing lists for distribution of materials that are essential to your enrollment at 世界十大博彩公司网站.
The authorization to restrict directory information remains in effect until the student revokes it. This authorization has no effect on directory information released prior to the completion of this request.
Common FAQ's
Ask 世界十大博彩公司网站Help DeskLocated in the Ben Alexander Student Center(575) 492-2577 |
Joseph FlotteRegistrar(575) |
Apiphany Igesias
Brianna PolancoRegistrar Assistant(575)
Judy ShearerRegistrar Support Assistant(575) |